We Care... Campus Awareness Requires Everyone

UT Health Science Center Police Department


The mission of the Health Science Center Police Department is to work with the campus community to provide a safe place to work and study. Commissioned campus peace officers have the same authority as city and  county police in the counties where Health Science Center campuses are located.

The department is accredited by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and is the first university campus to become accredited by the Texas Police Chiefs Association, a designation typically sought by municipal law enforcement agencies. Receiving these accreditations involved developing plans and procedures to protect the campus beyond what is normally found on most college campuses.

Prevention resources developed by the UT Police Department include:

  • An Emergency Preparedness Manual, with important phone numbers and information on how to respond to a variety of emergency situations, including personal threats, a fire, bomb threats, hazardous material spill, suspicious packages, hostage situations and a person shooting a gun on campus.
  •  Campus Safety Videos (UT Health Science Center login required), an excellent source of videos that provides information on topics ranging from preventing violence to what to do in the event of an active shooter.
  • The Annual Security Report provides crime statistics and information about the Rape Aggression Defense Class and other programs to prevent criminal activity.
Call the UT Health Science Center Police Department when there is imminent danger, such as an emergency situation or concerns about dangerous or unusual behavior.
  • Call 911 from any campus desk phone for immediate assistance
  • Program (210) 567-8911 into your cell phone for immediate police response on campus.
  • Call (210) 567-CARE to share a concern about an individual’s behavior. This is a nonemergency phone number answered by the UT Health Science Center Police Department. Dispatchers have special training and will help determine whether an immediate response is needed or whether a referral for assistance is the best approach.
  • Use the Silent Witness Program to anonymously report criminal activity on campus