We Care... Campus Awareness Requires Everyone



Feeling safe while working or earning your degree at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio is something most of us take for granted. However, there could be times when you feel concerned, uncomfortable or perhaps even threatened by the behavior of others.

An unstable romantic relationship, negative performance review, stress about grades or suicidal thoughts are just a few of the many situations that could become dangerous. To address these concerns, Health Science Center leadership instituted the Behavioral Intervention Team and this website, which offers recommendations, resources and training. Please become familiar with it now. If stress becomes a problem or you notice unusual behavior in others, take action. Immediately call one of the phone numbers below to help keep our campus safe.

We CARE. Campus Awareness Requires Everyone.

Sign up for HSC Alert

HSC Alert is the text and email notification system for emergencies and campus closures at the UT Health Science Center. You automatically receive HSC Alerts through your uthscsa.edu email account, but you can also sign up to receive HSC Alerts to two cell phones and an additional email address.

When do I call UT Police (210) 567-8911?

Call the UT Health Science Center Police Department when there is imminent danger, such as an emergency situation, concern about dangerous or unusual behavior or a feeling that something is just not right.

  • 911 – Call this number from any campus phone for immediate assistance
  • (210) 567-8911 – Program this emergency number into your mobile device to call campus police.

When do I call (210) 567-CARE (2273)?

Call 567-CARE to share a concern about a Health Science Center colleague, friend or perhaps even yourself, who may need help in dealing with a difficult situation. This is a nonemergency phone number answered by the UT Health Science Center Police Department. Dispatchers will help determine whether an immediate response is needed or whether a referral for assistance is the best approach.